A deserted C street boardwalk in Virginia City. Not much has changed over the years apart from the many souvenirs for sale.

Walking up C street, Virginia City during the annual Camel Race Festival.

The Old Washoe Club. Founded in 1862, it was home to the infamous Millionaire's Club of which Mark Twain, once a local resident and Virginia City newspaper journalist was a member.

The sun sets over Virginia City on a sleepy Sunday evening.

The Chollar Mine, one of the richest mines of Virginia City which eventually produced $17,000,000 in gold and silver.

The Church of Saint Mary In the Mountains was founded in 1868.

The old Virginia City schoolhouse on the outskirts of town now functions as the Fourth Ward School Museum.

An old building lays derelict in Virginia City but offers a reminder of days gone by and the wealth the town once possessed.

A night out on the town along the interesting boardwalk of C street.

Saturday night outside one of the many old saloons of Virginia City.

The famous 'Silver Queen' portrait made up more than 3200 silver dollars. Located in the Silver Queen hotel in Virginia City.

Virginia City was once used as a main filming location of the hit western themed tv show 'Bonanza' which first aired in 1959.

Sunset over one of Virginia City's side streets.

The weekend of the annual camel races as a classic car makes its way towards the event.

This classic car has seen better days in Virginia City.

On the way to nearby Goldhill in the open air carriage of the Virginia & Truckee Railroad train as it makes its way through a mountain tunnel.

Riding the Virginia & Truckee Railroad train into Virginia City.

The abandoned Post Office of the nearby mining town of Gold Hill.

An old wagon in Gold Hill.

The Yellow Jacket Mine, Gold Hill was once devastated by fire in 1869 which took the lives of more than 35 men.

Boardwalk scene, early evening C-Street, Virginia City.

The famous Silver Queen Hotel and Saloon dates back to 1876.